BIO 2017
Nel sito, alla voce “Director”,  troviamo notizie su un coraggioso ed ispirato produttore di film, che ha ricevuto molti riconoscimenti per i suoi lavori. Si tratta di Bertram Verhaag.

Interessante quanto egli afferma sulla non-indipendenza delle “ricerche”, quando sono finanziate dalle multinazionali. Questo fatto sta emergendo fortemente in questo periodo; Verhaag è stato un pioniere.

Verhaag‘s latest film on genetic engineering „Scientists Under Attack - Genetic Engineering in the Magnetic Field of Money“ was screened to great acclaim in German and Austrian cinemas. „Scientists Under Attack“ is a documentary thriller on the independence of science. It illustrates the fate of scientists, who investigated genetic engineering, and were mercilessly punished through defamation and the withdrawal of research funds after publishing GM-critical results. Statements from scientists themselves suggest that 95% of those conducting research in the field of genetic engineering are funded by the industry. Merely 5% are independent. This situation is clearly incompatible with principles of freedom of thought - and with democracy. The question is: Can we, the public, still trust our scientists? 

BIO2016 / Indice